Scan Request Quote First Name Last Name Company Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email Phone How large is the part? How many different parts are there? 123456789101213141516171819202121+ What do you need the finished scan data for? To reverse engineer (make changes) the part in my CAD system.To manufacture this partFor simulation & animationFor 2D or 3D inspection to an existing CAD model or many scanned partsOther - see notes below Do you require on-site services to scan the part (part too large to ship) YesNo What format do you need the item finished? Polygon mesh format - least expensive option. Good for sculpture, art, etc. Output options include STL, OBJ, PLY, VRML, etc.Neutral CAD format - good for most mechanical (automotive, aerospace) type parts. This can include both feature based solid model and surface model geometry. Formats include IGES, STEP, ParaSolid, etc.Specific CAD Format - with a history tree - most expensive option but gives you the most power to edit the model in your CAD system.I'm not sure what format I need please contact me How soon do you need the finished CAD data? 1 Week2 Weeks3 WeeksAs soon as possible - contact me for details Notes How did you hear about us? Internet searchWeb Site referralBusiness referralWord of mouthOther Upload any pictures, CAD files, PDF's, or drawings here. Files can be individual or zipped. (Any photos or files you can send helps us provide you with the best possible quote in the least amount of time.)